Holiday Travel Tips!


Lawton Law Firm would like to wish you and your family a safe happy holiday season!

With the joys of family gatherings and travel, we would like to share a few tips to make your road trip as simple and safe as possible this holiday season.

1.) Get a good night’s rest.

Being well rested before you embark on a long road trip is vital. Lack of sleep can lead to poor judgement when operating a motor vehicle, resulting in major accidents. Not only can that ruin your holiday it can severely harm a person or vehicle.

2.)Secure your home before you leave and keep the road trip posts off social media until your return.

A good way for thieves to know if you are away, is to check social media. They can quickly and easily figure out when and how long you will be traveling, making your home an easy target. While exciting, it may be best to wait until you arrive home to share all your adventures on the web.

3.) Pack your cell phone charger.

In all the hustle and bustle it can be easy to forget the basics. Your cell phone charger/ tablet charger is a must especially if you use your phone for navigation. Just make sure to keep everything charged and connected.

4.) Take frequent Pit Stops.

It may seem like going straight through is the way to go. But trust us, your body will thank you for the break. Remembering to eat and stop to stretch could save you from exhaustion apoun your arrival.

5.)Expect the unexpected. Take your time.

Anything can happen. A car accident, a freak blizzard, animals in the road, emergency helicopter landing, you name it. Just expect that the trip will take longer than your GPS says it will. Plan for an extra hour or two for those well-deserved pit stops. Just be prepared for the trip to run on the slow side.

With all the holiday rush, your trip to see family and friends should be a fun adventure. Take your time, arrive safe, and enjoy your time together. And remember, if you run into any trouble, Lawton Law Firm is just a call away!
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